Sunday, December 20, 2009

What are the best cleaning solutions to use to wash walls to remove cigarette smell?

tsp-available at paint stores or lowes,home depot.What are the best cleaning solutions to use to wash walls to remove cigarette smell?
baking soda and water.What are the best cleaning solutions to use to wash walls to remove cigarette smell?
Murphys Oil...Get it at your local grocery in the cleaning chemical dept.
Super Stud (?) lol, is right. TSP is the absolute best.
You need to get a good citrus degreaser. Degreaser to cut the tar, citrus to cut the smell. If you spray it directly on the walls and woodwork works great. it can be rinsed off with water. If you use it in a bucket of water it will go faster but may not cut the tar depending on how thick it is on the walls.
cigarette smell is for some time only, it goes off automatically.
we bought those stupid sharp clean air things...what a my money back.....i went back to my usual vinegar in a bowl ...and it works! Put out bowls of vinegar around the room.

vinegar and water with a little soap should do the trick.for cleaning really husband has a man room and smokes cigars and after two days can't smell it at all.

good luck
I like Mr. Clean, diluted with water at the recommended rate. It leaves a fresh lemon or orange scent and does a good job of cleaning.
Bleach water works really well.

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